The Pen Turner's Workbook: Making Pens from Simple to StunningLearn to make pens that are both practical - and beautiful! In this newly revised edition, author and expert pen turner, Barry Gross provides new pen kits and mechanisms with up-to-date techniques, along with the in-depth instruction and creative ideas for both the novice and the experienced turner looking for new ideas. From choosing a lathe to pen turning basics and even marketing your work - no detail has been left out! Also included is a section on casting your own acrylic pen bodies, so you can customize by embedding your own artwork and memorabilia. Instructions for turning pens made from Corian[registered], InLace, antler and other materials included.Dimensions: 28 x 21.6 x 0.8 centimetres (0.59 kg)実用的で美しいペンを作ることを学ぶ!この新しく改訂された版では、著者と専門家のペンターナーであるBarry Grossは、新しいアイデアを探している初心者と経験豊富なターナーのための詳細な指導と創造的なアイデアとともに、最新の技術で新しいペンキットとメカニズムを提供します。



寸法:28 x 21.6 x 0.8センチメートル(0.59 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 3,098円

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